Order of Service
- Opening Prayer and Greeting Words - Pastor Robert Kratzer of New Life Worship Center
- Message - Britney's Father, Chris Trahan
- "Butterfly Kisses" - Dedication by Britney's Father, Chris Trahan
- Song from SHHS Band - Under the direction of Terry Gould
- Message - Family friend, Steve Blount
- "Forever Young" - Dedication by Britney's Mother, Christina West
- Message - Clayton Whalley, Pastor of Moss Bluff Church, Body of Jesus Christ
- "My Wish" - Dedication by Britney's Brother, Christopher Trahan
- "So Far Away" - Celebration of Life Presentation
- "As the Deer" - Britney's favorite praise song
- "Alma Mater" - SHHS Band under the direction of Terry Gould
- Closing Prayer - Pastor Robert Kratzer